"Write this down for the next generation so people not yet born will praise God." Psalm 102:18

"Write my answer on a billboard, large and clear, so that anyone can read it at a glance and rush to tell the others." Habakkuk 2:2

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Two Day Hiatus

Time to get back to writing, after taking a two day hiatus. I never realized how mentally exhausting writing can be. I intentionally took off on Sunday. Yesterday I had every intention of writing, but the responsibilities of life intervened. I'm hosting my ladies Bible study group this evening, which meant I had to work on cleaning my house, or at least moving piles so the women will have somewhere to sit. :)

I'm finding that one of the hazards of writing more, is I can't balance everything I used to do. I admit, I've never been the greatest with keeping up with the house. It definitely is an area where I'm challenged. So the past month of intense writing has left its toll on my house. It was in serious need of attention, which is what I chose to focus on yesterday.

As I find myself getting more and more involved with my writing, I continue to seek the Lord's guidance of what things I should and shouldn't be doing. I realize there are times when I need to choose between things that are good vs. things that are best. But as I've been praying, God gently nudges me in the areas I need to follow. I need His direction and leading.

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